Thursday, July 12, 2012

Can you be too honest in a relationship?

You meet someone new and things are going great and just when you think it is going to get better..your ex calls you. The ex is on a mission to either try to get you back or to hook up. You let your ex know that you are not interested but you dont tell them about your new boo because you guys arent official yet. But, my question is do you tell the new boo that your ex contacted you? If you do how much information do you share? Will you just say it in passing and brush it off as if he didnt want anything or do you tell your new boo your ex was trying to get in those jeans? That is a tough question to answer. I believe you should be open and honest about everything if you want a good relationship. But is there such a thing as being too honest? I know people always want the truth but most times they can't handle it. I am quite sure most women would keep it to themselves, but if your new man's ex was calling him, you know you would want to know. And you would rather he tell you then you find out later on that there was still some communication going on between them. If it comes out and he didnt tell you, you will start to question the whole relationship by wondering what else is he keeping from you. I am not sure how this works from a man's perspective, alot of it will depend on the man. So, I guess there is no straight yes or no answer, you will have to judge your situation for yourself. What do you think? Please share your comments or stories. Thanks.

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