Friday, July 27, 2012

Didn't See This Coming...

This crazy world doesn't disappoint again. Here are some stories that were shocking, news worthy and crazy to me.

1. Sherman Hemsley (George Jefferson) dies.

2. Police rescue blow up doll.

3. Mariah Carey joins american idol.

4. Man who looks like santa told to leave Disney World.

5. Woman accidently bakes 15K left in oven.

6. Woman fired because she smells like cigarette smoke.

7. 83 year old man arrested for prostitution.

8. 2 people arrested after accidently texting cops about drug deal.

9. LGTB community bans chick-fil-a ( and one of the VP's of chick-fil-a dies suddenly, hmm)

10. Man steals puppy by putting it in his pants (he has not been caught)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

My New Addiction

Sometimes we do things out of habit so we think until we realize we do it all the time and it becomes an addiction. I hate to admit it but my new addiction is the Investigation discovery (ID) channel. This is interesting and kind of scary at the same time. This channel is basically about all types of crimes mainly murder. I like who the bleep did I marry, the new show dates from hell, wicked attraction and just about every other show on that channel. I starting thinking does that make me a twisted person that I enjoy watching shows with dangerous content. I know that I could never commit any of the crimes I have seen on this channel. Most times they are very gruesome. But, then I thought I can't be the only one who is addicted to this wicked stuff, after all there is a whole channel dedicated to it, letting me know there are plenty of other addicts out there just like me. I guess I like to watch because I just can't believe some of the crimes people commit and why they commit them. But, it also shows me that there really are some sick people out in this world. But, we all like to watch it, why? I will never know but I do sometimes get a rush, is that bad? I realized I was addicted when I stayed up late night watching show after show and didn't even get tired. I guess I would rather be the person watching the show versus being a person on the show. Does anyone else like that channel? What is your favorite show? Come on, you can tell me :)...I'll check my blog in between commercials lol!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Didn't See This Coming...

This weeks interesting, strange and crazy stories. Please feel free to add any others.

1. Movie shooting in Colorado

2. Boy Scouts oust lesbian den mother. I think I will write about this soon

3. Americans on no-fly list allowed to learn to fly.

4. Mother beats 4 yr old to death for bed wetting.

5. Postal service set to be default 1st time on $5 bil payment.

6. Man pays off mortgage with 800lbs of pennies.

7. Mother puts beer in 2 year old sippy cup.

8. 3 L.A. homeless people found stabbed with note.

9. Lettuce pic gets 3 BK workers fired.

10.Woman poses as boy, tricked (under age) girl into sex.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

10 Things Women find UNattractive in Men

I came across this blog stating 10 things men find unattractive in women and most of them dealt with the physical aspect of women. Which I am not surprise since men are very visual. I decided to come up with my on list (no particular order) based on my dislikes and complaints I hear from other women. I am quite sure if you were to ask any woman this list would be quite longer, but I don't have that type of time lol! Please feel free to use the comments section to add to the list. Thanks

1. Liar This trait explains itself. No one likes a liar that shows that you are not trustworthy which will hurt the foundation of the relationshp. Women respect honesty even if it hurts.

2. Entitlement Most men feel that if they do something nice or spend money that a woman is supposed to have sex with him. Not so. We know that's what men want but if we feel you are not trying to pursue anything more than sex that is a big turn off.

3. Keeping his word We all have a had one or two guys who said those four words of false hope "I'm gonna call you". We women wait and it never happens. Fellas if we can't trust you to keep your word about the small things how much weight are we going to put into anything you tell us.

4. Insecure There is nothing more unattractive then an insecure man. Always up under you and when he is not around you, he calls and texts you all the time. But the huge one is he is always accusing you of being with other men.

5.Financial Instability. Not all women are gold diggers. But when a man is providing for himself it gives a woman a sense of security. It is good to know that if you need a little financial help from time to time you can turn to your man and he got you "boo".

6. The Playa. No one wants to feel like their emotions are being played with. Fellas be real if you are not ready to settle and you want to see what else is out there. You maybe surprised how that can work in your favor because some women like a challenge and will try change your playa ways

7. Baby Momma Drama It is hard to find a man nowadays with out kids, but no woman wants to have to deal with baby momma drama. As a man you need to get that drama under control. Having drama either means you are not taking care of your children or there is some unfinished business between you and baby momma. Either way clean it up!!!

8. Lack of Style. Fellas keep your stuff tight. Not saying women are superficial but no one likes an unkept man. If you have dreads make sure they are not matted, keep your appointmens at the barbershop. You should also make sure your clothes are clean and age appropriate. There is nothing more unattractive then a 50 year old man dressed like Lil Wayne.

9. The Dreamer I admire a man who has dreams and aspirations, but if you have been pursuing your dream for over 10 years and it has not happen, its probably time to let that dream go. I know people say you should never give up on your dreams but you should also be real. Everyone is not going to be a rapper or entertainer; get a job like the regular folk and make some money.

10. Commitment Phobe This is the biggest gripe women have with men. I can't totally blame the man, but I will lol!. Men you know right away if a woman is wife, girlfriend or benefit material, but you keep that to yourself. Most men will not tell a woman where she stands because she will more than likely stop having sex with him. Men can and will date for years. Anyhow, men let us know where we stand it will make everyting better for everyone. But that would be to much like right.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Didn't See this Coming...

This week's surprising, shocking or outrageous stories. You can search any of these online to read more about them. Don't forget to share any crazy stories you have read in the comments section. Thanks.

1. 29 Alleged cannibals arrested

2. Steven Tyler and J. Lo leave idol

3. Drug tunnel discovered

4. Woman loses 98lbs by having excessive sex

5. Romney booed at NAACP event

6. Target will not sell Frank Ocean's CD

7. Michelle Obama's death threat

8. Man kills 3 daughters and tucks them in bed

9. Woman has size 102ZZZ breasts

10. $185,000K Dog wedding

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Can you be too honest in a relationship?

You meet someone new and things are going great and just when you think it is going to get better..your ex calls you. The ex is on a mission to either try to get you back or to hook up. You let your ex know that you are not interested but you dont tell them about your new boo because you guys arent official yet. But, my question is do you tell the new boo that your ex contacted you? If you do how much information do you share? Will you just say it in passing and brush it off as if he didnt want anything or do you tell your new boo your ex was trying to get in those jeans? That is a tough question to answer. I believe you should be open and honest about everything if you want a good relationship. But is there such a thing as being too honest? I know people always want the truth but most times they can't handle it. I am quite sure most women would keep it to themselves, but if your new man's ex was calling him, you know you would want to know. And you would rather he tell you then you find out later on that there was still some communication going on between them. If it comes out and he didnt tell you, you will start to question the whole relationship by wondering what else is he keeping from you. I am not sure how this works from a man's perspective, alot of it will depend on the man. So, I guess there is no straight yes or no answer, you will have to judge your situation for yourself. What do you think? Please share your comments or stories. Thanks.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Didnt See This Coming.....

There is so much going on in this crazy world that I cant keep it all straight. I have been shocked and surprised by some of the stories I have seen and I cant write about all of them, so I just decided to start a new post on Fridays called "Didn't See This Coming.." About all the crazy, strange and shocking news to me. I will choose ten ( no particulare order) each week..some of them may not of matter to you but these were things that made me say...huh? what? really?...

1. Anderson Cooper admits he is gay

2. Tom and Katy are getting a divorce

3. George Zimmerman is out on bail (again)

4. Evelyn and Chad Ocho Cinco get married

5. Miliatry men become U.S. citizens--didn't know you could join the U.S. army and NOT be a citizen

6. Katy Perry has a movie coming out about her life (see what the beib started lol!)

7. People are still eating bath salts

8. A mother from SC was charged by her city to clean up the blood from her son's murder

9. Cop dies during 3 way sex, widow wins $3M (google it)

10.Lifeguard fired for saving a man's was in an area that they do not patrol..ok so let him drown...really??? Please share any of your crazy, strange and shocking news.....Thanks