Saturday, October 17, 2015

Didn't See This Coming!!

Well here are 10 of the craziest, weird and unbelievable stories I have seen this week. Thank you for reading please feel free to comment.

1. Aunt sues nephew over a hug

2. Man drives van full of ammo over a fire.....smh dumb

3. Man crashes into store to steal beer...he must of already been drunk lol

4. Lamar Odom unconscious in brother...didn't realize he and Khloe are still married

5.Mother throws baby out 6 story sad

6. 16 year old stabs father over football practice

7. Drunk woman calls 911 and says shes Olivia Pope

8. Oscar Pistorious (blade runner) will be released from he only served a year for murder

9. El Chapo eludes authorities again

10.Mom pimps out 12 year old daughter..smh

Friday, October 2, 2015

Didn't See That Coming...

Hello are my top 10 most extreme, crazy, weird stories I have seen online this week. I tell ya people never seem to disappoint me. Sometimes I wonder if these stories are for real. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, be sure to leave comments or share any stories you may have seen

1. Oregon mass shooting at junior college

2. Man fired for farting too much

3. Tell all book... escorts for Louisville basketball team

4. George Zimmerman tweets pic of Trayvon...I am so over him

5. North Korean official executed...they are ruthless

6. Ben Carson jokes about police brutality...this is never funny...smh

7. Informant eats heroin...I guess they didn't do a background check

8. Trump backs out of Hispanic event...I guess he forgot they can vote too

9. Electronic skin patch to track you....this is crazy

10. Florida man shoots mother over chores....really??..