Monday, July 24, 2017

To paddle or not to paddle?

Hello all,
Recently on social media I saw where a school district in TX has voted to bring paddling back into their schools. Of course, there is a huge debate online between parents who agree and disagree if this should be allowed in schools. I am in total agreement with this form of discipline.

I grew up with this during my school years and it was an influence on my behavior in school. I believe it was a major factor in most of the children behaviors that were exhibited in my school compared to the classrooms of today. The classrooms today are usually unruly and the students are very disrespectful to their teachers. I have experienced this as a substitute teacher and my sister who is a teacher has as well. This behavior affects the learning and education our children receive. How effective will a teacher be if she/he is disrespected and fear retaliation anytime they attempt to enforce the rules?

I have seen videos online with students in a teacher's face, yelling, cursing, and threatening to harm them.  Most of the time there are no consequences for these actions. But, it doesn't just stop at the school. Kids nowadays are disrespectful to authority period, rather it's their parents, teachers, etc. What has become almost the norm was not common for children in my generation to behave this way. We were disciplined at home as well as school.  We were taught to respect our elders and we were held accountable for the things we did.

Children today have no accountability for the behaviors they display. Society not only removed paddling in schools but it also removed the right from parents to discipline their own children. Psychologist argue that spanking will cause children to be angry and act out, etc. Well, please explain all the school shootings, children killing their parents, cyber bullying, and increased teen suicide rates; just some of the issues that are affecting our youth today.

Taking this right away makes it harder on parents. It takes away the parents authority and   and gives children the "if you hit me I am going to call the police" attitude.  The same children will become adults who are not accountable for what they do and feel like the world owes them something.

I do believe that the discipline should fit the child. Time out does not work for every child and neither does spanking. I feel that society generalized all children the same and said spanking was wrong all together period. That is not the case, some children respond to that type of discipline. I do not believe paddling and spanking is always the answer but I do believe it should be an option.

Marcee' Bonds
A Single Mother's Point of View Raising a Black Man
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