Sunday, December 28, 2014

Didn't See This Coming

Hello all...sorry haven't given you my weekly crazy stories in a couple of weeks. But unless you have been under rock you have probably seen or heard unbelievable stories during that time. Well here are my top ten crazy, weird, unbelievable stories I've seen online this week. I hope you find them as shocking as I did. Please feel free to comment or share any stories you've seen

1. Missing plane Not sure how this keeps happening the Asian airlines needs the FAA

2. Man having oral sex with his horse...eww gross!!

3. Magician makes speeding ticket disappear...funny!!

4. Isis executes over 2000 people

5. Afghan war over

6. Woman marries dead words

7. Walmart worker fired for using deodorant & putting it back on the shelf....did I mention $1800 worth...stupid!!

8. Mom tries to eat child...(@-@)blank stare

9. Man shoots mother with bow and arrow

10. Man hides lingerie in ceiling... you can't make this stuff up

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Chapter 4: Fatherhood is not forced: it's a choice

In this chapter I try to help mothers understand that they can not make a man "want" to be a father, that is his choice. A lot of mothers believe if they call him all the time fussing and trying to convince him to do the right thing, he will. As a mother once you understand that no matter how much you talk, fuss or have sex with him he will not step up until he decides too. This cycle will keep you frustrated, angry and leads to nowhere but the same result, your son's "father" is not in his life. Your time and energy would serve you best investing in you and your son. I know that you and your son are hurt by his choice but the sooner you accept this the better off you both will be.

Marcee' Bonds

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